The 5 minute walk from the subway stop to the hostel was a trip. The hotel's website says not to trust anyone on the street saying they are a hotel manager or staff member, because I guess they lie and try to get you to go to other hostels...Anyways we were approached by atleast 10 people with business cards asking if we needed a place to stay and some even said we were going to their hostel and they would show us the way! And others were offering to show us rolexes, gucci and prada! We finally found the right elevator in the building we needed, which is in the middle of a giant market. The building have 6 sets of 2 elevators so it took a minute for us to figure out the right one. Anyways we got here and thestaff is really nice and the room is clean. Do you know the size of two twin beds? Well that is the size of our room! With a little in front of the door thats about 3ft x 3ft. The bathroom is tiny. There is a toliet and a sink and standing room so you can hold the shower head and take a shower standing!! It sounds worse than it is. Beisides the size, it's totally fine.Our hotel is located in a great area full of shopping and restaurants. We are less than 10 minutes from the ferry docks and the Promanade along the Bay.
We walked along the avenue of stars and the Promanade yesterday, after we dropped our laundry off to get washed, which cost me 30 hong kond dollars ($4).
The Avenue of Stars
Hong Kong is the most international city I think I've ever visited in terms of the people, food/restaurants, shopping, markets. I had no idea that so many Indian and Middle Easteners lived here. There are more kebab stands and Indian and Pakistian restaurants in this city than every other city I've been to combined (ok, maybe not, but you get the picture.)
We spent the day on Hong Kong Island. We took the Peak Tram up to the Peak, which has amazing views of the city & Kowloon .
Views from the Sky Terrace at the Peak Tower (Hong Kong is nearest, Kowloon is across the bay)
over looking the Islands off of Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong is very steep and hilly, with hundreds of same roads and alleys full of all different types of shops, bars and street markets & vendors.
I loved walking around the Central area of Hong Kong! All through the central area are the famous escalators. Hong Kong has the longest outdoor civered escalator system in the wrold! So after lunch and walking around we went and rode on the escalators all over the city! We went to Super City, which is a gigantic supermarket with every type of food and drinks from all over the world you could imagine.It was really similar to the grocery stores in Japan, but it had international foods too. There were people doing cooking demonstrations of betty crooker cookies & muffins, and hundreds of free samples being passed out from baked goods to fish to candy, etc. All I got was a water bottle and soy joy bars!! (which are cheaper here than in the US and only 60 cents in China, and they have more flavors here too!)
A Chinese Herbal Shop, with dried fish and other smelly gross animal parts I couldn't recognize.
We went to the Happy Valley Race Course afterwards, but there weren't any races going on today. We got to peek inside and look at the track though. It reminded me a lot of the racetrack in Saratoga, but it also had soccer fields and rugby fields inside the inner circle of the track. 

We having been missing sushi so much that I think we are gonna go to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant we passed earlier today, later for dinner then it's off to celebrate Halloween in Hong Kong!! There seems to be alot of fixed dinner menus and events at restaurants and bars but I don't think people really dress up here, but we'll see!
Happy Halloween!!
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